Tartaros Terminator Squad

Overview This is a Legion Terminator Squad, built as follows: 1 Tartaros Terminator Sergeant, Thunder Hammer, Combi-bolter; 1 Tartaros Terminator with Plasma Blaster, Power Sword; 3 Tartaros Terminators with Power Axes, Combi-Bolter. Total Points Cost = 200 points....

Finished Plasma Blaster Tartaros Truescale Terminator

This is the final, truescale, tartaros terminator armed with a plasma cannon which will be counting as a plasma blaster, plus a power sword. The pose is intended to suggest some dynamism: the blaster is held in an almost upright position to the body, whilst the sword...

Size Comparison for Truescale Terminators

This is an image that was requested by multiple people following on from my conversion of a Tartaros terminator in to a truescale terminator. The conversion can be read about here, but in brief, if involves extending the miniature upward by providing a bit of extra...

Truescale Termintors

In creating my new army, I have undertaken to make sure that each of my regular marines (perhaps with the exception of the scouts, since I'll have them in kneeling positions) are converted such that they are trusecale. I've wrote a couple of articles about how to...