Artscale Imperial Fist – Charity Auction

Artscale Imperial Fist – Charity Auction

WOWZERS!!! Look what came in the post yesterday. It’s so weird to see something I made painted so amazingly well. As much as I’d like to keep it, this model is now up for auction on ebay, 100% of the proceeds will be going to the Birmingham Dogs Home...
What’s on the horizon?

What’s on the horizon?

Greetings all. So I know updates lately have been even sparser than usual. Unfortunately that’s not going to change any time soon. It’s time for me to move away from what I’ve focused this blog on for so long (those ever popular Space Marines) and...
Truescale Kharn – Finished

Truescale Kharn – Finished

It always happens that my most recent conversion is my favourite to date, and Kharn the Betrayer is no exception. I’m really pleased with the level of detail I’ve managed to get into this model, I really pushed myself to get everything as top notch as I...