#BattleReport – 1,000pts Imperial Knights v Tyranids

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been playing TENTH! #New40k Despite having a backlog of #MESBG and #Turnip28 [not] battle reports to record I thought I'd do this while it was fresh in my mind. Leviathan is due today, with my rulebook, but Otty, Ben,...

Warhammer World GT3 – Game 5 Tyranids v Chaos Space Marines

Last game of GT3, game 5 and I'm facing Daniel Brennan and his Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines. It's been over a week since this game and I was pretty fatigued and out of it throughout, there were points were Daniel was actually reminding me of things I needed to do...

Warhammer World GT3 – Game 4 Tyranids v Aeldari [Eldar]

Game 4 of GT3 and I am a hot mess. I'm regretting the beer, yesterday's lunch of curry [fab as it was] and sheesh kebab [which was far spicier than I would have liked]. Steve Parker is facing me with a host of Wraith Guard [mainly hiding in the webway] and a Wraith...