X-Men United Wolverine tutorial and photos

 Here's a video showing how I painted up Wolverine from Marvel United X-Men. He's a larger scale then I'm used to, so I tried using a zenithal base and mostly transparent paints.  There were a couple false starts (blue and black), but I'm pretty happy...

Marvel United – Wolverine WIP

 I have a new project that I'm working on: Marvel United X-Men.  My brother ordered me a copy as a birthday gift and it just arrived this week.  At this scale I'm trying some slightly different techniques from my usual warhammer style. ...

Dark Angels – Macragge Tactical Squad – WHITE PICS

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Dark Angels Macragge tactical squad. A closer look at these models. Hopefully you can see them in more detail individually. My camera was overheating in the hot weather and with the lights on....

Dark Angels – Macragge Tactical Squad – TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Dark Angels Macragge tactical squad. I don't recall how long I've had these for... actually, I have a way to find out [the search function in this very blog!] - October 2013! I bought...