A Journeyman’s Guide to Painting Metal Miniatures

Confrontation Worgenvia Hot Dice Miniatures on the Faeit 212 CommunityThe following guide is meant to be a resource for new to intermediate painters as much as it is an exercise in self reflection; a compilation of personal painting knowledge. I do not claim to be a...

Burning of Prospero Painting Guides

With boxes in hand now, everyone's painting table is most likely backed up today. Warhammer TV has a series of videos on painting the models from the box set that are worth checking out.Read more »

Bracing Bows (Attaching string to miniature bows)

There are plenty of fantasy miniatures that have bows and crossbows, but they never have the bow string because it would be too fine to mold. Most of the time, we leave this detail off, but there's really no reason to.The following is a short, simple article meant to...