by wappellious | Feb 9, 2019
This latest version of Painting Dark Sword had a few things which were very new, and some things that go back several years to the original Painting Pyramid video series! For those of you familiar with the way I have been "Primer Painting" the figures in...
by wappellious | Feb 8, 2019
Last week I did a few YouTube Live painting sessions to demonstrate the use of oils on the Song of Ice and Fire miniatures. In this case, it was a slightly different "alternate" theme for the Night's Watch. While the overall color set was still meant to be...
by wappellious | Feb 4, 2019
Just as I did with the recent House Stark alternate color scheme, I have been taking an army of Night's Watch and making them more like Gondor Rangers. You can see the hints of green in the cloaks, along with the more reddish and tan leather.Not to worry, since...
by wappellious | Jan 30, 2019
Yet another Army Painting tutorial series begins! This time we have the Broolian Beastmen Close Combat Squad from Victoria Miniatures. Here's a link to the first episode, where the "color test" figure is painted:
by wappellious | Jan 29, 2019
While I really love all the Creature Caster monsters, I had been looking forward to this one quite a bit. The butterfly theme meant that I could do some nifty freehand on the wings and many other surfaces too!It also turned into a real color theory exercise, as...