by wappellious | Apr 5, 2017
Here's another figure from the Twisted Game range. And yes, his name is Oliver Twist! There muct have been something unusual in his gruel though, because he's a little more muscular than we are used to seeing.The Twisted Game figures are all sculpted by...
by wappellious | Jun 21, 2016
Here's a very fun new miniature from Twisted Game! You can see that he is quite the Steampunk theme.He was part of the recent kickstarter campaign, which featured all kinds of amazing sculpts. And yes, these sculpts are actually done by hand! So...
by wappellious | Mar 16, 2016
Meet Nancy, one of my favorites from the new Twisted Game line of miniatures!She is the ultimate in high Victorian fashion, sporting a little augmentation here and there.The Reaper clear paints were quite valuable once again, as they can be thinned down with either...
by wappellious | Mar 6, 2016
Next up from Twisted Game is Tesla, ready to light up your life with power!He's yet another of the fantastic miniatures which are part of the Twisted Game kickstarter campaign.I thought that I would do some glow on the staff, and not too much on his suit.Just like...
by wappellious | Mar 1, 2016
I had a lot of fun painting this figure from Twisted Game, called Nightengale.Everywhere I looked, there were all kinds of amazing details, such as the filligre on the apron. I didn't put any additional freehand on this piece so that people could see it was part...