It’s Like Tactics: Typhus Review

“I don't believe in evil, I believe only in horror. In nature there is no evil, only an abundance of horror: the plagues and the blights and the ants and the maggots.” --Isak Dinesen

The Old Enemy: SM vs CSM Batrep

A coalition of Chaos forces invade another Imperial world. In the Emporers name, we shall send them packing! Myself and Bam teamed up to play Louis and Chris, Space Marines vs Chaos Space Marines. 1500 points each, so a decent game size too. Unsure of exact...

6th Edition Work Bench Part 3. CHAOS and ZOMBIES!

So here is my third installment of the 6th edition work bench.  Since the last one I haven't done any work on my Daemons at all.  Just not inspired.  However Chaos Space Marines have my attention at the moment.  Huge bricks of 3+ save jerks running around the board...

The Dice Hurt Me.

Warning:If your stomach is easily churned at the mention of bad dice rolling, please do not continue reading. This may cause a rift in reality and the warp inside threaten to pull you in. If you are used to such stories, like myself, read on.Sorry about the amateur...