Las Vegas Open 2022 Coverage

Live coverage from Las Vegas Open 2022 from start to finish. The post Las Vegas Open 2022 Coverage appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Termagant fun! (Part 1)

 After painting the dead tyranids (or, um,  parts thereof) for my Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought, I had the itch to paint a few more nids.  Maybe I just needed a break from painting black armor?I looked at what I had here in Unicoi and found that I...

Termagant with Strangleweb (Art Monday)

 Welcome back to Art Monday where I show off some of the 40k themed art that I produced in the '90s. Unlike most of the art I have been showing off here, this piece was actually published. It appeared in Inquistior Magazine #14. This was a more...

Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought (Dreadtober 2021- Part 4)

Here we are, Nihilus the Deathwatch Venerable  Dreadnought has been finished and within the deadline parameters for Dreadtober. Nihilus in the dirt.A lot of stuff happening on this model that you haven't seen in the previous posts; lets get caught...

Honoring A 40k Champion: Hitting Major the Major Goals

The results from taking Geoff "InControl" Robinson Tyranids to their first Warhammer 40k major in years and doing better than I expected. The post Honoring A 40k Champion: Hitting Major the Major Goals appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.