Honoring A 40k Champion: Shaking off the Rust

What happened taking InControl's Nids to their first RTT of 2020 year, and earning how to play competitively again. The post Honoring A 40k Champion: Shaking off the Rust appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Honoring A 40k Champion: Introduction

My small way of remembering one of the most important people in my 40k life, by using his iconic Tyranid army to the best of my ability. The post Honoring A 40k Champion: Introduction appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.


A long time ago I made a Deathleaper conversion for someone and for some reason never gave it it’s own post.That Deathleaper was made as a commission piece and from my desire to try to emulate some of the great artwork that existings for Lictors.I started with a...

Astra Militarum vs Tyranids – 1,750 Points

It’s been a while, but I’m back for a game of Astra Militarum vs Tyranids at Boards and Swords Hobbies. Firstly, my opponent, Sophia, models look so good on the table! The blue is so striking! Never miss an article? Subscribe! Astra Militarum List These...