Road to STGCC – Game 2: Team Practice

Jason and I clearly needed some practice so we found some time after discussing how our two armies should work in tandem with each other. The STGCC tournament was 2 players fighting 2 players, basically meaning that our armies had to work as 1.Discussing this with...

Playing 8th Edition Tyranids – Thoughts, Tips, and Tactics

Hello true followers of the great devourer!  It's been quite the wild ride being a Tyranid player for the past several years, but as the dust is settling (somewhat) on our 8th edition codex and the recent big FAQ, I figured it was time to talk bugs. Tyranids were my...

The Problem with Painting Genestealers – Advice Needed!

Well somehow it's been over a month since I posted. I've been trying to change my order of priority when it comes to my free time. It used to be that hobby work came after blogging but I've tried to paint when I've got spare time instead of blog. Less content for you...

Uxbridge 40k tournament: Game 1- White Scars vs Tyranids

I recently attended a tournament at BattleUX in Uxbridge. This was the first tournament that they had held, so I was looking forward to seeing how it would turn out, as it is a relatively short drive for me and I might be able to attend on a regular basis. The...

Black Library – Newsletter

Space Sharks to the rescue...courtesy of Robbie MacNiven and the Black Library...-------------------View in web browser Coming SoonNew TitlesSeriesAuthorsCarcharodons: Outer DarkRobbie MacNivenWith tyranid hive fleets approaching, the Carcharodons make a stand on...