My Tyranids for Double Trouble 3 and Painted Ripper Swarms

In the spirit of Double Trouble 3, I decided I should make a push to get my Tyranids ready for the event. Before I get into my meagre progress, head over to the DT3 page for more details of the event and to buy your ticket. If you're on Facebook you should also...

Battle Report 133- Ambush! White Scars vs Tyranids

For this week's battle report, I was playing my White Scars against Bert's Tyranids in the Ambush scenario. I would be the defender, trying to push my White Scars convoy through the Tyranid lines. This was my first attempt at one of the new narrative scenarios...

GREX Combat Carnival

Gamersaurus Rex organized a newbie friendly event at 1000 points and I threw in my hat to support them. Originally I had planned to bring another list which contained some Genestealers but ended up scrapping the idea when Leon thrashed me convincingly. Looked...