Kill Team Genestealers (Part 4)

And finally I have painted the Genestealer Patriarch, and with that feat I have concluded the plans for building this Kill Team that I declared so long ago. As is customary for me at this point, here is a stage-by-stage of how I went about painting him:I decided...

Battle Report 124- 2000 pts White Scars vs Tyranids

This week's battle report sees my White Scars take on Stu's Tyranids in a 2000 pts maelstrom of war mission. This game was played a while back before the release of the new Tyranid codex, so won't feature any of the new rules. My army consisted of:Battalion...

Killteam Genestealers ( Part 3)

The brood grows.I took a break from my other random projects to randomly finish another Genestealer miniature for my Genestealers Kill Team. This is another of the original metal models which I like a lot. He stands out from the plastic ones due to the pose of...