The Original Old One Eye

 This is the original Old One Eye miniature released around 2000. In my last game with Da Mastacheef  I accidentally left my classic Screamer Killer at home and Joah, who just acquired a rather large Tyranids army,  let me use this model as a stand...

Hobby Update 20/09/23- Leviathan Tyranids

Today, I have some Leviathan Tyranids that have been painting up, though this time, not by me! My partner has been helping me to paint up some of my terrain and models over the past couple of years. She loved the look of the new Tyranid models, and wanted to paint...

It’s Only War!

 Is there a better way to celebrate your birthday than a birthday bash? Or bashing? Probably.  But this is the fun we decided to have. "I'm next!"Da Masta Cheef and I agreed to meet up for a 1,000 point game of Warhammer 40,000 10th edition. It was our...

Termagant Fun! (Part 5)

 You got to see a preview of these guys at the end of part 4, now I'm going to talk about them in a bit more detail. These guys were painted  primarily using Contrast Paints. Skeleton Horde on the gun, claws and teeth. Ultramarines Blue on the armored...

The Doom of Malan’tai and Zoanthrope Friends (Part 1)

 This is a project I have been wanting to do for many years now. The original Zoanthrope miniature from the mid-'90s was a grotesque mess that was not just displeasing to the eye, but it didn't even conform to the description as presented in the Warhammer 40,000...