by Pjschard | May 12, 2015
Tyrant with Wizarding Hat As you will later see, this army was all about the fluff. I wanted to field an army without a wizard and the army was planned to be a collection of junior hunters. It was to be my final Warhammer purchase way back in...
by RJ_Payne | Jul 9, 2014
Hey guys! I’ve had a bit of break from painting and blogging these past few weeks, mainly because work and personal life has gone a bit mental and I have had very little free time. On top of this I am really making a big push on my fitness again now I am 100%...
by RJ_Payne | Jul 4, 2014
Army list Friday! So I’m trying out a bit of a different list for a while and will be using no lvl4, stubborn crown or mournfang. I’m going for a tyrant + firebelly list which will be pretty tough (the gutstar is certainly starrier!). Personally I think units of 8...
by RJ_Payne | Jun 16, 2014
Very short painting progress post! Finished my Tyrant, BSB and 2 more Ironguts! Im going to a blog post on Tyrant Builds :)
by RJ_Payne | Apr 11, 2013
Some tips and tricks on how to use flying characters notably Flyrants from Ben curry on the bad dice daily! Check it out here! Big thanks for helping me out and answering my question!