Mutalith Vortex Beast Converted from a Ghorgon/ Cygor Kit

When I was building my Tzaangor, the Mutalith kit was out of stock at GW, so I made my own out of an old Ghorgon kit from AOS that I had laying in the bits box. Basically, I wanted him to be a big Tzaangor! Let's take a look at him!The conversion is actually pretty...

An Impending Tale, An Impending Dilemma

So a while back myself and some friends almost started a Tale of Four Gamers, but then life interfered, and we pushed it back a bit... we are planning to start afresh in September, so i'll finally continue that Tzeencth force I did a couple units of horrors for...And...

Chaos Daemons – Tzeentch 40k Additions

Hi One and All,I've recently spent some time working on building up new units for the WHW battle with Siph (post to come) and here are the Tzeentch additions to my daemon 40k army.Lord Of ChangeThis model I decided to convert so that the Rod was in the right hand,...

Fateweaver and Lord of Change of Tzeentch WIP

Hi Everyone,Another WIP post, this time with a new Kairos Fateweaver and a Lord of Change.For Fateweaver I've opted for a standard build, having used an old 'Ultramarine Blue' spray for the base. This has had several washes and a dry brush to add depth and detail. All...

Warhammer World: Tzeentchian Cabinet

Deep in Warhammer World, I snapped this image of a set of Tzeentch daemons that caught my eye. I have a series of these kinds of snaps from some of the cabinets. Taking these images is tough due to the high reflectivity and the lights that are shining in multiple...