The Daemons of Neverness (an intro).

Greetings. As hinted at in my 2017 year-end -review, I plan (and/or hope) on making Chaos Daemons a focus this year. I will be starting with Slaanesh, or rather continuing on from the work I did last year (see Daemonettes-part-2 and The Return of...

When there is no imagination, there is no Horror

To start my new hobby year off, some blue horrors. They were going to be for the aforementioned tale that was postponed... but I couldn't wait any longer to start on these guys...20 blue horrors - photographed with the pink horrors I did for a test scheme. Sadly I've...

When there is no imagination, there is no Horror

To start my new hobby year off, some blue horrors. They were going to be for the aforementioned tale that was postponed... but I couldn't wait any longer to start on these guys...20 blue horrors - photographed with the pink horrors I did for a test scheme. Sadly I've...

Tale Postponed

Sadly due to heavy work commitments on the part of one of the participants we shall be postponing our Tale of Four Gamers till August.As I had been gearing up to paint my tzeentch forces I am going to continue as planned with those, and pick a new force for the Tale...

Unexpected Consequences

The law of unintended consequences came to fruition today, here in the New Revolutionary States, as the revolutionary leaders aim to truly drain the swamp did not take into account the drastic drop in the average human IQ over the past half century. Full of verve and...