UK Games Expo Newsletter

Some interesting events at the UK Games Expo this year...27th March 2017Can you escape the Dark Room?As we move through the final 10 weeks running up to UK Games Expo we will be sending you updates and news about everything that is going on to help you plan your...

UK Games Expo Newsletter

More news on what to expect at the UK Games Expo in June...5th March 2017UKGE Publisher-Designer EventsWe had a successful Wyverns Lair at Expo 2016 as well as hosting our largest ever prototype area run by Playtest UK but wanted to develop the whole game design theme...
Forge World Newsletter #365

Forge World Newsletter #365

More Space Marine stuff...It's almost like they're really popular or something... When the situation calls for a prolonged deployment, Space Marines can rapidly construct modular fortified structures, known as Castellum Strongholds, to use as forward operating bases...
Warhammer Forge Newsletter #41

Warhammer Forge Newsletter #41

River Trolls inhabit the dark fens and marshes of the Old World, and have a reputation of being particularly foul and smelly, none more so than the Giant River Troll Hags. With lank hair, fetid breath and slime coated scaly skin, they are as revolting as they are...
Forge World Newsletter #364

Forge World Newsletter #364

Okay...I'm forced to admit that I really like the Space Marine Fire Raptor...£95 is still a lot of money though... There's some other stuff as well, lol. The Fire Raptor is a specialised variant of the Storm Eagle known to have its origins in the Imperium’s...