March Of the Damned – This months demo round up

Well it’s been a while. Despite my best intentions of keeping the blog updated weekly, they stumbled and expired on the side of the highway like some knackered old tramp on a hot day when confronted with the greater evil of  an academic deadline looming on the...

For those about to mosh…September Hardcore Roundup

It has been a while since we last had a peek under the  lid to see what’s boiling away in the realms of underground metal and hardcore. Lets rectify that immediately shall we?  First out of the skillet is Razorbite I had assumed this shower to be from Leeds given Nat...

Firm Standing Law – Unashamed 7″

South East straight edge outcasts Firm Standing Law follow up last years Unforgiving X demo with a new 7” entitled UNASHAMED on Carry The Weight Records. With a veteran lineup that boasts former (and current) members of Cold World, Repentance, Coldsnap, Never Again...

March hardcore round up.

It’s been a while since we have had any hardcore on the blog and that is unacceptable. I must confess that we do actually get sent a lot of stuff for review and honestly most of it is weird blues music or lame rock shit that I cannot be arsed to find words for....

Band Of The Month: Higher Power

It’s with some sadness that I have to announce that our our music reporter guy Gav Russell has parted company with the mighty ‘Hammer. Thanks for everything Gav, we all appreciated your contributions and best of luck with future endeavours! And it is with even greater...