Space Wolves – Ulrik the Slayer

I had an unbuilt Ulrik model lying around and then a Primaris Apothocary model came in to my possession and an idea instantly sprung to mind - the old Wolf Priest was going to get Primarised.Thanks for looking.

Ulrik the Slayer Facebook Give Away.

This was a give away piece awarded through Facebook. For every thousand likes/followers we gain on Instagram and Facebook we will be giving something away. If you would like to to learn the techniques I used to paint this miniature why not sign up to our online...

My first commission finished.

 Here's some pics of ulrik the slayer that I did as a commission for a work colleague and friend. It turned out pretty awesome if I do say so so myself and I was pretty gutted to have to hand it over as it was probably one of my best painted yet.........and it...

My first commission

So I've been asked by a guy at work to paint some space wolf HQ choices for him. Ulrik the Slayer, Ragnar Blackmane and Logan Grimnar. Here's a few wip shots of Ulrik, I need to finish off his wolf pelt and paint his back pack then it'll be time to start work on...