It’s like waiting for buses.

  Y'know, you're there for ages and then two or three turn up at once*.So GW have decided to expand their plastic DKK line and also launch plastic warp spiders and pheonix lords at around the same time.  And there are plastic striking scorpions I havn't...

Dark Eldar leaders

The Archeon.  Dark Eldar.  Not "Drukarhi" and definately not Ynnari. This is a Raging Heroes. All of these were painted by Priate Viking PaintingAnd two loyal lieutenants.  Because the Dark Eldar are known for their loyalty. Two people who take quite...

Pre-Codex RT era Space Elves

 I'm one of those kids all of whose Player Characters were elves.  No matter what gaming system. So these were my first 40K figures.  Not an "army", not in those days.  Army lists wouldn't appear until the first codices came out.  These guys...

Inquisitoral Conclave 2022

Well, following the maxim that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, this would appear to be a factionless warlock or seer of some kind with a retinue of equally disparate assorted Eldar. The leader.  Impassive in his (her ?) wraith helm.  Looking stern...

The Eagle has Landed

 You may remember that the mission for the German Commandos in the book was to eliminate Churchill and that in the end, the man they were aiming at turned out to be a decoy. So as the Eldar can foresee what might happen, it doesn't seem too far fetched that...