Army Updating – Embracing Change

Army Updating – Embracing Change                It is always difficult to embrace change, especially when you have become very used to performing tasks a specific way.  When the 8th...

How important is fluff?

I’ve been reading over Codex: Eldar the last few days and trying to write a couple of different lists so I have some vague plan behind what I end up buying. It got me thinking – how important is the army/faction fluff to the list you play? Phil’s...

Pre Heresy World Eaters full size banner!

Here is the first draft of a new banner commission. Pre Heresy World Eaters!He wanted the basic World Eaters logo, the chaos star pointed circle with the jaws eating the world, with maybe some chain axes crossed in the back. 8th company.  But he was not sure and...

Ulthwe` Eldar and 6th Edition.

As I complete more and more of my Bretonnian army in preparation for next year's Fantasy OFCC, I find myself needing to also sate that desperate need to play my Eldar once again.  Since Warhammer 40k 6th edition has come out, I have only had the opportunity to...