Outrider Chaplain

This week, or rather, the ester week, I decided to paint the outrider Chaplain that I picked up as an impulse buy last time I was traveling with work. As it turned out I did not manage to finish it over the holiday so it had to wait for yet another work trip before I...

Lieutenant, Ancient and BeLakor

This week I finished up some Ultra Smurfs that got side-lined by BeLakor, the Blade guard Lieutenant and the Ancient. The models are, like the rest of the set, beautiful sculpts that are fun to paint. Colour wise there is nothing new. I was however having some...

Blade guard Captain

This week I finished the Priamris Captain from the indominus box. I am not sure if he is also a blade guard as the others equipped with blade and shield, but I will call him a Blade Guard Captain as I have other captains in the collection.As a model it is very similar...

Blade guards

This week I offer you some Smurfy Blade Guards. I love these models!, even though they are monopose. The three models form the Dark Imperium box are all different so there is no repeat and I do not think it would be possible to do these as anything other than mono...


 After finally getting Fenrir on his legs I sort of needed a break from the titan so I looked through the different boxes hanging around in the to do bin and decided it was time to try out the Judiciar. I must say that I really like this model. It has a very...