More distractions

Here are some more models I have been painting in parallel to Varangian. This time it is two more death guard from the Dark Imperium as well as a Primaris Ultra marine sergeant. I like to have these smaller models that I can finish in a day or two. It helps me relax...

Ultra Marine Redemptor dreadnought

Well....  I am still here, sort of. Last couple of months have been really hard on me and it ended with me on sick leave. Hence not much blogging. But on the other hand the doctors told me to do what makes me relax, that and a lot of exercise. So for the last...

Roboute Guilliman

This is a model I have had for some time now and since it is the holidays I thought would treat my self to something special. Guilliman was easy to assemble and did not consist of too many parts. However, there were once again some effects that was a bit disturbing. I...

Ultra Dark Sister

This week has been really productive. Managed to build a bunch of models and get some of them painted. First of was some more primaris Ultra Marines. No to much to say about these guys really. I replicated the paint scheme from before. The models as such are nice but...

Primaris Ultra

Since the last pictures of the Primaris Ultra Marines were a bit smeared and that I got a request for some better pictures I took some new ones.