I've been plodding along with more Drop Pod progress since my last WIP post but have been chipping away at the pile of unpainted scenery too. This is the Space Marine hero statue from the GW Honoured Imperium set, included with the broken Aquila and some window panes from the Shrine of the Aquila type building.
 I've gone for a muted Bronze, to reflect an aged forgotten relic on some planet now war torn. The bronze was acheived using a (old GW paint names i'm afraid) - Tin Bitz undercoat, then Brazen Brass basecoat. Heavy Thraka Green wash for the verdigris weathering stage one, when dry a heavy drybrush of Brazen Brass again followed by a glaze of watered down 50:50ish Hawk Turquoise - this looks heavier on application than it is once dried. I removed any pooling glaze from the bottom of any curves/base of statue with a small dab of tissue to prevent over-weathering the verdigris patina. Once dry a light drybrush of Brazen Brass and Chainmail 50:50 mix on the uppermost edges and extremities to brighten it back up.
The stone plinth was painted Charadon Granite base, drybrush of Codex Grey and final highlight of Fortress Grey. The earth my normal recipe of Calthan Brown, drybrushed with Kommando Khaki and Bleached Bone. I made sure some of the steps were covered with patches of dirt too.

Join me in the fight against grey bare plastic scenery. See my other posts on Terrain for ideas.