Another no spam for you to have a gander at, this time Chaos Daemons.

Chaos Daemons 'No Spam' - 2,000 points


Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh, warp forged armour, daemonic flight & 2 x greater rewards
Daemon Prince - daemon of slaanesh, warp forged armour, daemonic flight & 2 x greater rewards
2 x Heralds of Tzeentch - mastery level 3 psker, locus of conjuration & 1 x exalted reward


10 x Pink Horrors
10 x Pink Horrors
10 x Plaguebearers
10 x Plaguebearers

Fast Attack

16 x Flesh Hounds
16 x Flesh Hounds

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder - daemon of tzeentch & phlegm bombardment
Soul Grinder - daemon of tzeentch & phlegm bombardment

Total: 1,992

The Princes ideally will be swapping one greater reward for the lash of despair, they attack flyers or zoom down the flanks to they can little return fire.

Soul Grinders can either take a flank with the Princes or roll up the centre, their phlegm should be in range either way.

Flesh Hounds will move up the centre, so you have two fast moving units on the ground then two fast moving units in the air and two clunking metal things coming behind. All of the units are supporting together and while they maybe spread out, it will force the opponent to pick what to focus fire on and the opponent's guns will be spread out - I suggest you only do this if you're going second.

If you do go first then just put everything on a single flank and do refused flank deployment or drop it all in the centre so you can go either way.

The Horrors can move up mid field and camp with the Heralds. You can switch one of the Heralds' powers for prescience if you like, however I would be tempted to use all mastery levels to fire flickering fire; in total the unit will be firing 6D6 shots.

Plaguebearers just camp or deep strike down to get linebreaker or tarpit camping back field units i.e Devastators, Lootas or Predators etc.

What do you think of this no spam Chaos Daemon list?