Dark Mechanicus army for sale!

Dark Mechanicus army for sale!

Dark Mechanicus custom army for sale!I use the daemons codex for this army, there are: 20 x converted flesh hounds, 10 x converted cultists,  20 x pink horrors, 3 x converted daemon princes, converted keeper of secrets, converted spawn, three converted tzeentch...
Malifaux: The Guild’s Judgement

Malifaux: The Guild’s Judgement

I thought I'd get this blog back in shape and start hitting out malifaux posts. I've taken a back seat from 40k recently and I've sold a lot of my stuff. Malifaux has taken over as my main miniatures games.This post is the start of many, basically these posts will be...
Eldar Iyanden Wave Serpent army for sale

Eldar Iyanden Wave Serpent army for sale

Eldar iyanden army for sale; 6 x wave serpents, 10 x wraithguard, 20 x dire avengers, metal warlock and 2 x wraithknights. Army has been painted in iyanden scheme with airbrush. There's some minor chips and two of the aerials have broke off the serpents though can be...
Review – Monster Lab Miniatures bases

Review – Monster Lab Miniatures bases

So Matt Ochs from Monster Lab Miniatures contacted me and asked if I would like some free bases for Malifaux/Warmachine on the basis I review them; I said does a bear shit in the woods :)Matt generously sent me six packets of allsorted bases. It took less than a week...