Another 'no spam' army for you guys. I thought it would be nice to follow on from Chaos Daemons with Grey Knights. Don't ask if this is any good though, it's very elite!
Grey Knights 'No Spam' - 2,000 points
Grand Master - nemesis halberd, rad grenades & psychotroke grenades
Librarian - nemesis halberd, might of titan, sanctuary & the shrouding
6 x Terminators - psycannon, 1 x nemesis daemon hammer, 1 x nemesis warding stave & 2 x nemesis halberds
6 x Terminators - psycannon, 1 x nemesis daemon hammer, 1 x nemesis warding stave & 2 x nemesis halberds
5 x Strike Squad - psycannon
5 x Strike Squad - psycannon
Fast Attack
Stormraven - twin-linked lascannon & twin-linked multi melta
Stormraven - twin-linked lascannon & twin-linked multi melta
Heavy Support
Dreadknight - heavy incinerator
Dreadknight - heavy incinerator
Aegis Defence Line - quad gun
Total: 2,000
As mentioned at the start of the post, this is an elite army, so every loss is going to count. The idea is the Grand Master brings some extra abilities to the table such as scout the Terminators if you go second and this will allow for a turn 1 charge. Or make those Dreadknight troops if playing objective games.What about giving those Terminators counter-attack?
Depending on how you use the G.M's abilities depends upon deployment; really you want the Terminators on foot or you want to keep things hidden until they come in. What you could do is deploy the ADL forward and scout the Terminators behind it, sure they have 2+ armour but now they have 4+ cover as well. The G.M will give one unit psychos and rads while the Libby can protect both units with shrouding and stealth - that's a 3+ cover behind the aegis now and any units trying to assault the Terminators will be taking dangerous terrain tests.
The Dreadknights will have to deploy as far forward as they can to get into the battle quickly, hopefully they can be in the fight by turn 2, though turn 3 is realistic.
Strike Knights just camp and lay down dakka. They can chill out behind the ADL or camp in cover on an objective.
Stormravens are your air support. You could put the Terminators in them but I would strongly advise against this because you will have very little starting on the board. I was thinking of adding psybolt ammo and hurricane sponsons, though this costs a totalof 50 points!
Do you think this work? Let me know in the comment box your thoughts and if you run anything like this.