Below is my first unit of Vrutes completed:
The Ironjawz are a new type of Orruk recently introduced into the game... bigger, meaner, stronger than the other types, these Brutes are my basic troopers and are the same size as 40k mega nobz haha.
They are an elite army in the game with a similar model count to an equal comped/pointed Stormcast force and pack more armour and brutality.
I have, when finished, a force of 100 pools using the SCGT system, and it only numbers 55 models including 15 off the above, 6 cavalry, the 3 foot characters, Gordrakk on a Maw Crusha and 30 Black Orcs.
When the Generals Handbook is released in July i will possibly have to adjust my force to bring it in line with the new points system that GW are introducing for Match Play games but i am really looking forward to that :-D