So its my first real post for 2010 and I’m still travelling! While wargaming has taken a back seat, its still there in my mind! While ive been enjoying the beautiful country of New Zealand, I’ve got a job here for a few months (though im quite literally in the middle of nowhere near a glacier). This has let me settle down for abit and because there isn’t alot else to do besides walking and baking, wargaming is back! So I thought I’d run alittle mini series of all things wargaming in new Zealand!
Not sure exactly what its going to cover but all things wargaming that I’ve found in my travels over here. My main link with what going on in the rest of the world has been TGN and Ranking HQ which has its very own ranking s for the guys in New Zealand (go look!). Lets not forget New Zealand was the birth place of Flames of War as well!
So far the hidden gem for me has been Trade Me as New Zealand doesn’t have an ebay as such trade me is there ebay. I picked up a brand new copy of space hulk for 100 New Zealand dollars including postage, which isn’t bad if you ask me. Plus they got loads of other stuff on there, take alook!
Other sites I’ve come across are the Tabletop Terrain, great little website with loads of tutorials and tips and a good little guide on how to make your own custom colour dip, looks really good on the genestealers from space hulk!!!
Another brill link is Vagabonds based in Auckland, brilliant shop with loads of wargaming goodness! I shall be ordering my Horus Heresy novels!
I’m currently waiting for my Blood Angels Codex to appear on pre order from Wayland Games, I recommended for international shipping especially if your in New Zealand! So once I get that ill be doing a proper review of the codex (gone abit mad with blood angels!). In other news alittle while ago at Games Day 2009 i had a rumour float around about phatom titans and lo and behold!
So now hopefully there will be the second masterclass book coming soon!!!! Anyway once I’ve got a few more links and some pictures of blood angels i shall being posting it. Its all old news i know!