So, for the few of you that follow this blog may have noticed that I haven't posted for a good few months and the only reason for this is I'm plain lazy so my apologies.
That`s not to say I've not been busy painting and playing and I've finally got a 1750 army list I am happy with and have had some success with.

Company Command squad
Company commander
Master of the Fleet
2 x Melta gun
Chimera with hull Flamer

Veteran Guard Squad
Veteran Sergeant
2 x Melta gun
1 x Auto cannon
6 x Guardsmen
Chimeria with hull Flamer

Veteran Guard Squad
Veteran Sergeant
2 x Meltagun
1 x Autocannon
6 x Guardsmen
Chimeria with hull Flamer

Veteran Guard Squad
Veteran Sergeant
3 x Meltagun
1 x Autocannon
5 x Guardsmen
Chimeria with hull Flamer

Leman Russ Executioner
Sponson Plasma Cannons

Leman Russ Demolisher
Hull heavy Flamer

3 x Vendetta

Veteran Guard Squad
Veteran Sergeant with Shotgun
3 x Flamers
6 x Shotgun armed guardsmen


Guardsman Marbo

I think it seems to be pretty standard amongst the 40k Guard tournament players (which I don't play) but I have to say that this list was mainly an evolution of many defeats and chin wags with the 3 other chaps I play regularly with who are tournament players so my list has had to become rather streamlined in order to try to win a few games.

Also been trying my hand at some converting, made myself a Marbo figure which I`ll get some photos of once I rescue him from Brads garage and some converting (not much but I'm happy with them) for my air assault vet squad which I've got some photos of but they aren't that good so Ill post when I've got some more.

Also been going through my "painted" miniatures and given some of them a touch up or complete repaint to get them to a standard I'm happy with.

I'll get some posted in the next week or so. Hopefully I will start to post semi regularly again.

Thanks for reading