Sorry for the long absence and laxity in posting but (insert excuse here).So, Caledonian Uprising 2012 has been and gone.I read all the advice I have received over the last few weeks and decided on the following list;HQ 1 : Marshal, Lightning Claw, Storm Shield,...

The War Room 2011-12-21 00:31:00

So I've managed to get time in for a few games tomorrow with Brad from the Sons of Sanguinius blog. I have a couple of lists in mind to try. One is my assault Terminator heavy list and the other is a missile spam list.The assault list needs me to be very aggressive...

Some piccies!!

As promised I thought I would through some more (better?) pictures up of the units I have painted for my Templar Army so far. I have had some very kind comments from those that have seen them in the "flesh".I painted the champion white so contrast him against the rest...

Caladonian…The Final cut

So, the list has to be submitted by the 22nd of December and after chewing the cud over with Brad and reading comments from Atradies, Venerable Brother and Killswitch Ive decided to go with the list bellow which I will be sending off tomorrow night unless I once again...

Caladonian alternative list

So I've been having some thoughts about my caladonian list and I have been thinking about some alternatives and this is what I've come up with so far. HQ: Marshal Chain Fist, Storm Shield,,Terminator Armour, Adamantine MantleHQ: Emperor's Champion, Accept Any...