Well I plan on only posting photos of entire squads when they are done, like the Possessed Marine in my new squad I like how the attached Wolf Guard came out so much that I just couldn't wait to post him even in his unfinished state. Bear in mind he still is a work in progress, still needs gap filling, some impurity seals and other random Chaosness added.
I wanted to arm him with a multi-melta but 1-I was out of them after building my suicidal squad last week so had to convert one out of the one plastic melta I had left 2-I hate the look of sergeants lugging around a multi-melta in one hand. I planed on mounting a mini-melta on to the side of the power fist but it just looked to big and out of place so i decided to go for a more Huron Blackheart style. I LOVE how it turned out and though it does look too downward angled in the pictures in person it looks perfect when you compare it to the angel the power fist is pointing which I tried to illustrate with the last photo if only it had come out better: