Anyone else remember when 40K was FUN?

I just had this thought: Remember when 40K was cool? The setting is my favorite of any story & it's still hell-a-cool but the game... it's just not as cool as it used to be. Remember how much you could do with the old Chaos Dex? Remember when your Imperial Guard...

Space Marine Demo & Modeling Hiatus

Lets face it friends there are just too few days in our lives when we get to gut f*ck Ork with a chainsword. Lucky for me today was not one of those days. Regrettably I'm on a modeling hiatus. The wife & I are taking a trip back to my home town of Boston next week...

Loving the Kit-Bash: Word Bearers Grey Hunter Squad 3

Things work out funny sometimes, last night as I contemplated what to say when I posted photos of these new models I thought I'd talk about how much I love to kit bash. I took my photos but was too exhausted from a brutal Monday to write anything so I left it for...

Is it time for Codex Chaos Legions Yet?

Because my God do I want to use the Dark Eldar Talos as a base for a Slaanesh Demon Prince Conversion! many cool possibilities to exploit with that thing. Anyway just...

Army Construction Status

I figured I should average @ least ONE post a month. It felt like only a few day but it ended up being a few weeks that I took off from modeling but I'm back on the horse & halfway done with my next Wolf Guard Squad, so I'll have some new stuff to show off soon....