Well as my wife and I wrap up our Thanksgiving holiday at home away from our families things are sort of getting boring so I figure I'll post to photos of my newly completed squad that I took days ago and have yet to post.

I will say that I'm a little disappointed in this squad compared to the first, with exception of the Mark of Wulfen, power weapon guy and attached Wolf Guard they seem to have a lot less life and character than the first squad. Maybe its because they don't have their bolters yet... I'm not so sure.

I really like how the above guy (power weapon guy) came out. Other than that... meh. The next squad has to be kicked up a notch.

One last thing. The business of life has been getting in the way (or I've been letting it) of modeling as of late. Not that I havn't been... I have just in small short bursts. Also army ADD has been getting to me latley.. ie. seeing other cool armies and wanting to build them instead. Dan the Deamon's Night Lords thread over on Bolter & Chainsword has been particularly distracting.

Yet every time I feel the need to wander it;s the blog that brings me back! :) It's working.

Then again last night I discovered Big Jim's Killzone rules... OMG Maybe a little army ADD will be okay after all. :)