Going to a local RTT tomorrow set at 1800 points. An odd number of points however should be fun. I expect turnout to be either very light or 18+, not sure how holiday weekends go around here.

Anyway, I am trying a variation of my DE list.

The beastmasters are different then what I normally run. I dropped the clawed fiend and went with two smaller units instead of a single large one. I also am trying the baron. We shall see how they do.

1800 Pts - Dark Eldar Roster

HQ: Baron Sathonyx
   1 Baron Sathonyx,

HQ: Haemonculus
   1 Haemonculus,Agoniser 20 + Liquifier Gun x1 10)
      1 Haemonculus,Venom Blade 5 + Liquifier Gun x1 10)

Troops: Wyches
   8 Wyches,Haywire Grenades 2) + Shardnet & Impaler x1 10
      1 Hekatrix,Haywire Grenades 2 + Agoniser 20)
      1 Raider,Enhanced Aethersails 5 + Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Wyches
   8 Wyches,Haywire Grenades 2) + Shardnet & Impaler x1 10
      1 Hekatrix,Haywire Grenades 2 + Agoniser 20)
      1 Raider,Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Wracks
   7 Wracks,Liquifier Gun x1 10
      1 Acothyst,Agoniser 20)
      1 Raider,Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Kabalite Warriors
   10 Kabalite Warriors,Splinter Cannon x1 10
      1 Raider,Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Fast Attack: Beastmasters
   4 Beastmasters
      10 Khymerae
      4 Razorwing Flocks

Fast Attack: Beastmasters
   3 Beastmasters
      5 Khymerae
      4 Razorwing Flocks

Heavy Support: Ravager
   1 Ravager,Flickerfield 10

Heavy Support: Ravager
   1 Ravager, Flickerfield 10

Heavy Support: Ravager
   1 Ravager,Flickerfield 10