Hi Guys.

This post is a quick and simple way of converting your own Psychic Hood. This is great for when yor converting your own Librarian or maybe even a Rune Priest.

First you will need:

* Round File

* Hobby Knife

* Plain Space Marine Shoulder Pad


1) First of all you need make incisions on either side of the top rectangle shape on the rim of the shoulder pad and above either side of the bottom of the pad, like this.


2) Cut the two flaps off that you made the incision in. This is a bit tricky but make sure you dont’ bend the top bit and the two sides on the bottom.


3) File the area you just cut off with a round sided file until smooth and even. You might want to use the hobby knife again to scrape of the bits the file can’t get to/


4) Then you are done all you have to do know is glue it onto the top of the torso behind the head. This is important you need to scrape away the collar on the top of the torso so the hood will fit. It will look like this.


I hope you found this tutorial useful. Next post will be pictures from Games Day Australia 2011. I can’t wait to take lots of pictures and when I sort them all out I will post them.

