Since part 1 was posted ages ago, this model has passed hands back to Da Masta Cheef and ultimately back to me.  Ok, so the story here is that we had played a game using the remnants of his Eldar Corsair force and they still had the option in Battlescribe to take the venom with the duel Shurikan Catapults.  I asked him, in light of this, if he wanted it back and he said "sure". But,  as the editions change so did that army and with it so did Cheef's interest in all things Eldar. As a result I now have almost all of his Eldar things. And so this  poor Venom has been hanging around my hobby area since some time last year. 

Venom 1 and Venom 2. 

I was digging around and came across both of these Venoms and noticed that one of the guns from Venom #1 was  detached. After repairing it I decided that I needed to properly secure these things. And while pondering it, felt the need to actually work on it. Finally, actually work on it. So I painted the whole thing black. 

Black coated.

I stated this way back in part 1 that I intended to leave the pilot as is, as a nod to Da Cheef. That red in the cockpit is a bit too intense, so I might darken some of that. While searching through the bits I had I realized that I was missing the sprue that had the optional crew and the gunner. Not sure if it got misplaced during the multiple trades or what, but I think I have a solution for that.  I did  notice  also that the pintle mount was attached incorrectly, so I pried it off and re-glued it. 

Thinned Khorne Red

Thick Khorne Red

Classic Blood Red

Wild Rider Red on the points and edges.

Sunburst Yellow highlights. 

The bottom.

Not a bad bit of progress there. In fact, that almost finishes the main part of the model, it's the details that are going to slow me down a little. Especially the gunner. But we'll save that stuff for Part 3...