Hey gang!

I often operate under the creed that I write when I have something to say.

Lately, in all the hubbub of the 6th Edition rumors and mysterious files appearing out of nowhere and people trying to figure out if they're real (my Magic 8-Ball keeps coming up with, "Signs Point to Yes", but what does it know?) and all the other goings-on, well, I haven't really felt like I had anything original to say. It's not that I haven't been doing...things...I've been doing book reviews for BoLS lately (the latest being the one for Hammer & Anvil that went up a few days ago). But while that's writing, that's for BoLS and not really content for my personal blog (though BigRed would disagree).

Anyway...what do I have to talk about? What interesting thing that is uniquely mine?

I now own a piece of 40K history.

You see, a while back, Darkwynn (a friend of mine) decided to sell the infamous Leafblower army, the one he won 'Ard Boyz 2009 with, the one that started an entire army genre.

On a whim, I bought it.

I've gotten a couple of games in with it, and even had a learning game against Darkwynn to get a handle on how to play this army. I can safely say it's not nearly as lethal in my hands as it was in his -- in fact, I've joked about re-naming it "Petal Pusher". It plays very differently than my beloved power-armored dudesmen. I have also proven that you can lose, and lose badly, with the army if you don't know what you're doing with it.

So I'm going to chronicle some of my misadventures in learning a new army, and prove that it's really not the list, it's the general that makes all the difference along the way.

Does that mean I'm abandoning my other armies? Tossing aside the GKs? Forgetting my Ultramarines (which this blog is named after)? Nope. But I've been craving something different lately, and this fits the bill perfectly.

Ever feel the need to really switch things up? What do you do when you feel the need to expand your horizons? Does the spectre of public humiliation of losing with what should be a great army ever hold you back?