I posted a test Warrior a little while ago, and while I was generally happy with the basic scheme, there were a few things that I wasn't happy with. One was the base, obviously.
While I like to imagine Cybertron Necron Tomb Worlds being dark, metallic places, basing my 'bots that way just didn't look good with the dull metal scheme. I needed something with much more contrast, so I tried something that looks like sandstone. I'm quite pleased with the way it looks, and I think it presents the very simple paint job of the Decepticrons in a much more flattering manner.

I imagine most of my army is on the brink of accidentally tripping down the little ledges built into all their bases

The other problem I had was accent colour. My Warriors are staying mostly silver, but I wanted some more colour on my Immortals (and other units and characters, eventually)I must have tried half a dozen different coloured shoulders on this guy, but eventually I went with more purple. It's pretty monochrome, but to be honest I like it that way. These guys are a quick and dirty army meant to be finished sooner rather than later (My Dark Eldar have been in progress for ages now and are only maybe a third painted). So, yeah. Let me know what you think!

It must be hard to stand back up again with all those wires all over the place.