40k day

Played some 40k today!Marines and Marines vs the new Dark Angels, Orks and a Knight. Massive amounts of destruction on both sides. The new DA psychic powers seem pretty good.After his Thunderfire cannon was destroyed, the Techmarine attempts to claim his vengeance on...

Infinty Games Day

Hello!Yesterday I made the trek up to Chiba to visit the wonderful Mr Fields hobby store. There were about 6 of us, 3 tables and players of varying skill levels.Aleph vs Tohaa. Not pictured: TohaaMore pics after the jump:Aleph vs NeoTerraMy Naga hacker proved his...

Infinity – Bandua Wargames Shipping Containers.

I picked up some of these Bandua Wargames Shipping Containers a while ago. They were super easy to assemble (they came pre-cut and didn't need to be pressed out from a sheet). I did a bit of spraying and tried using masking tape for the first time (fun!) and then...

Ironclad Dreadnaught and Drop Pod

A lot of my hobby time recently has gone into a Space Marine army. For various reasons I decided this time I'd go with a self made chapter. The main reason is it allows me to use miniatures from multiple other chapters and fight other Imperial factions, as I can tweak...