Recently in a group I'm in on the dreaded Facebook (say that in hushed tones), there's been a few postings on a little Australian scenery manufacturer that go by the name of CNC Workshop. The product scenery in 3mm MDF and it works as a great base to start scenes from, or even kept in separate pieces for gaming clubs and ease of transport.

This structure is made up of three of the pieces from the Imperial Ruins set. I'm using it as the basis for the entry to a ruined Imperial Chapel, however you could join up as many pieces as you wanted to make something larger. I've glued these pieces to a sheet of MDF that is 600mm x 300mm, so I'm not working on transportability. On a side note, that size base is roughly half of one of the Games Workshop gaming tiles.

You'll notice under the steps and around the door I started filling the gaps with DAS modelling clay. I'll also use some PVA just to paste some paper over the walls where the gaps in the structures are to hide the seams. Then from there, who knows where it'll take me.

Through the entry and into another theatre of war.