Here we go!
Hyacinth Games (which now includes me. heyo!) has launched a new Kickstarter in order to help fund some extremely worthwhile happenings over at Wreck Age Central (aka: Matt’s apartment).
And so… 29 days to go…
If you are not at all familiar, please check out our very cool site here … but in a nutshell, Wreck Age is a Post Collapse 30mm RPG and Tabletop Wargame. Matt and Anton have created a very interesting, very compelling world in which we might dabble, and I feel quite honored to be a small but growing part of the proceedings. Of course, that means work, and here’s a taste of what we intend to accomplish with this Kickstarter:
-We will be assembling our first four Faction Box Sets, which expands our range to 30+ miniatures, with many more already in development. Each Box set will include 6-9 minis, which is a tremendous start to your basic skirmish or RPG needs (by the way, check out 1:30 into the video if you are particularly keen on the greens inbound as I type).
-Likewise, we will be pushing forward with the 300+ page hardcover rulebook. This tome includes absolutely everything a traveler to Year Zero and beyond might need. More than just rules, however, the book is really a full-frontal resource for the entire rich and complex work of Wreck Age.
-If we go far enough with the Kickstarter, we will also be working toward our first round of Plastics -longtime readers of this blog will know that the prospect has me a little dizzy- as well as some quirky possibilities designed to bring even greater realism to the Wreck Age world.
-More to be announced as we get closer, ever closer.
The photos, by the way, that accompany this post are from our big day and Galactic Force Games here in Chicago –where we got to introduce an enthusiastic (and sometimes rather soggy) group to the world itself. Special shouts to Chris (aka: CC) for his interest and gamesmanship.
The game itself straddles RPG and Tabletop quite beautifully, which actually lends itself handily to my gaming disposition of late. I’m not much for RPG but, having said that, I pretty much demand that my tabletop wargaming have an extremely strong, extremely developed narrative element to it. Curious that. I’m no longer quite certain where the line between these interests is exactly, and I’m even less sure with Wreck Age. The two seem to sit side-by-side a profoundly intuitive and elegant manner. As mentioned, Anton and Matt have really put this world together, and the history leaves all the room one needs to play skirmish warbands … warbands that evolve and develop from one iteration to the next. Just the thing for me! Of course, if you are an RPG purest, there’s 300 pages and an entire desolate world for you to explore. Win and Win.
So if, like me, you are interested in deeply narrative skirmish gaming, have a proper gander. Or if, unlike me, you bleed RPG, have a proper gander. Or if you just like beautiful artwork and even more beautiful miniatures, have a proper gander. OR, if you just like to support a very small startup games company, have a proper gander.
At the very least, go check out that Kickstarter and perhaps even tell a friend.