If you are in the greater Chicagoland area, or if you like to drive, fly, swim, or generally meander on a lazy Saturday afternoon, stop by Galactic Force Games (1120 W. Belmont Ave) in Chicago. Matt and I are going to be there running Wreck Age demonstration games. We will be about the place from 1:00 to 5:00 or later, and there’s plenty more happening in and around the store. Good times. Great FLGS.
We will also be judging a painting contest that has been running since our last outing there earlier this month. I am specifically looking forward to this bit of business, as the hobby end of the equation is my particular interest.
Failing that, have a gander at the Wreck Age Kickstarter. I know there’s a glut of these at the moment, but as a young, ambitious, and up-and-coming company, we would be particularly grateful for your time and attention. Thank you in advance!