Just a few days left to get in on even more Kickstarter goodness. We crushed our goal and have been absolutely thrilled with the response... but there's always room for more and more. In fact, every penny that the kickstarter promotes will open another creative door for us. We have already generated a tremendous level of funding for such a small operation, but we have ideas... always more ideas. So take a gander and see if you might like to get in on the fierce, futuristic action.
Here's the third in our first series of factions on the books!
The Order of the Reclaimers: –Reclaimers are the world's foremost authority on scavenging. The e-wastes of North America and the rest of the world hold a veritable trove of disjointed information and oddly situated technology. With single-minded zealotry, the Reclaimers aim only to collect and to re-assemble the pieces of this grand technological mystery, to learn about the sins of the past, and to intuit how technology might someday lead the diligent back toward humanity's rightful place.
The Reclaimers boxed set contains 6 unique models: a Scriviner, a Power-Scav, a Zealot, a Server, and 2 Reclaimers.