Time for next update on my Black Templar Castellan and his merry Sword Brerthrens.
Hmm I should take a look at my bitz-box to see if I have any Holy Hand Grenades left.
Anyway on to the update itself.

Trying my hand at some special effects, I'm not the master of OSL but i wanted to add something to it, wich hopefully will be easier to see when looking at the completed project. not anytime soon tough.

Another tutorial i've been reading comes again from Massive Voodoo, it was a tutorial on how to make a wet pallete. Must say - I quite like it, altough i kinda messed up - adding way too much water but in the end it worked quite nicely for making glazes - also first time.
Here are some shots of Sword Brethrens, I am really serius about "sword" part so I made sure each one has a sword.

 You might think Brother Marcus has no sword but belive me he does, I don't really think they would be game legal, well not all of them for sure but who cares :P

This one will have a bit more gold, but i think i will change few things about him, why? because just now, when writing this and looking at that picture i had a great idea. More about that soon.

And here is my "Emperors Champion" I quite like the way he looks among the rest of the Honor Guard.

And the last but not least, the only one with no helmet, hmm now that I think of it, I will propably add a helmet to his waist to hide some mods and add details.

As you might or might not noticed all of them were moded in to a "walking" pose instead of standing/runing. Personaly I think that this way they look more fearsome, but would love to hear some opinions about that

And one more picture, spend quite a long time to think what to do with the blades, should I try making those lightning efects? Or maybe the more usual powersword look? Or maybe leave them with plain metal look?
None of the above, listening to a sugestion from my firend Harry I wanted to give them a slight red tint in the middle. But I fucked up.
Oh well.
As it turns out - not completly, with the help of wet pallet i was able to create an effect similar to hot edge - or so I would like to think:

There is no picture of that but there was some work done on the base as well.
More updates - hopefully soon.