13 years? Yup, I have been blogging my hobby updates on this Chronicle for 13 years now. I don't normally celebrate this anniversary, and there have been many years when I have totally missed it, but tbis year I thought I might give you folks a behind the scenes update on what's happening to me and my current relationship with 'the hobby.

Let me knock out the personal stuff first:  Back in January I had a minor heart attack due to a congenital heart defect that had been hidden from me, and everyone else, for 50 years, and I have been out of work ever since. This happened less than a month after the Misses and I closed on a construction loan.  Luckily we have been able to survive financially with some generous help from friends and family.  The house is progressing nicely and we should be able to start moving in a few weeks. I am out of work on Doctor's orders to "take it easy" and not lift over 15lbs until after my open-heart surgery. I have been waiting  for well over a month for the hospital that I have been referred to, to contact me to schedule this surgery. It's been a stressful time, despite my efforts to "take it easy".  Ironically I will have time to move house, but I have that weight restriction that limits what I can physically move. It's almost a catch 22 scenario. 

But I have had more time for hobbying than I have had in years. Heck, I have played more games since January than I have played in some recent calendar years. So it's not a totally bad time at all. Plus I have been catching up on some of my backlog on the painting and building side of the hobby.  I am continuing to work on:

  • Tyranids. They're coming along nicely but slowly.
  • Ultramarines. I have really been pleased with how they have been turning out and I intend to keep at it. 
  • Blood Axe Orks. Always fun, and it's been a nostalgic trip to paint some of my oldest models.
  • Worldeaters. Only a few units left to go! 
Those are the big ones. There are a few more things coming soon that I'll tease you about now: 

  • Adeptus Mechanicus. I had a lot of fun working on those Voss Prime units and I look forward to doing more. 
  • Space Wolves. I have a few units I want to knock out of the queue. And if they go well I may add a few more. 
  • Dark Eldar. Tbis might turn into a big project.
How all of this will be affected by the move and surgery is anyone's guess, but I have enough stuff lurking in the draft folder to keep the content trickling out during those times. 

I also have some post-move plans, dreams if you prefer, that I'm keen to get to:

  • Horus Heresy: I want to get at lest one faction of marines up and playable for HH. I have a Death Guard army waiting to be assembled and painted  but I'm also inclined to convert some of my oldest miniatures (Space Wolves and Ultramarines) over to it also. 
  • Warhammer The Old World. This was going to be my big thing in 2024 but all I have going on has kept me from making anything happen. 
  • Scenery. I miss doing scenery and I hope to be able to work on some after the move. 
  • Orks. Snakebites in particular. This project will be quite gargantuan in scope. 

It's been 13 years of fun, which with a dash of luck, I can continue to tally more years onto. Thanks for your support and interest. Having an audience, albeit a small one, is a fun motivator to keep me doing this like I do.