I'm struggling to find words to describe how awesome this project has been coming out.  I have to thank Admiral Drax over at admiraldrax.blogspot.com who posed the question of why there are no moats in 40K.  There was a spirited discussion, links to pictures and a good time was had by all.  I decided that I had to try and make something work, plus it sounded like a fun piece of terrain to build.

I mean from here it looks pretty good.  Check out the razor wire!

Let's zoom out a bit.
As if the difficult terrain and defense line wasn't enough, now the attackers have to face razor wire as they charge into snap fire from the entrenched defenders.  And it hey get over the defense line, it's straight into the guns of the bastion!

And someone said moats were useless in 40K....

The foam has two coats of house paint, sand and then a wash and some drybrushing.

The bastion was primed black, and got a bit of a grey misting.  Then it was subjected to a sloppily applied wetbrushing of a red-brown.  While that was still wet, a mist of a black wash was sprayed over the whole bastion.  It was then misted with a bit of brown red wash and allowed to dry.  I can't be more pleased with how it has come out.

The boards and waterline of the bastion were painted a brick red, and subjected to some of the washes, while the trench was given a nice coat of the red-brown mix

 some boltgun on the heavy bolters (they pull those inside for maintenace daily)  and a grey drybrush on some imperial eagles and it it looks pretty darn awesome for a piece of terrain.

Just wait till I pour some "Realistic Water" into the "moat"

Hope you enjoyed the update!