February Progress

I've made some hobby progress so far, but haven't gotten any models finished.I did make a painting chart and inventory of my Drukhari.  So 50% of one of my hobby goals has been completed.As for the Falcons of Ruin, I've made progress on a Primaris Librarian,...

Setting Hobby Goals: February 2020 Edition

As the month of February approaches, a looming dread has begun to overtake me.  I took an honest look at my hobby backlog and found the source, sending shivers down my spine.I have a lot of unpainted miniatures.I've decided I need to set some goals.  I'm...

Converted Leman Russ Tank Finished.

A while back I posted about a WIP Leman Russ Tank Conversion.Here's the finished version.  This is what I would call the Medium turret.  At first I tried a small but tall turret.I'll post the file for this turret along with the one I settled on, because...

Stormtalon Gunship that doesn’t land on its Turret

Hello.  Are you confused like I was when you see landing gear on a precision aligned weapon system?  In case you don't remember how it is supposed to look, here is an image from miniature painters(dot) com. Yes, it balances on the tail and turret. As you can...

Reinforcements for the Falcons of Ruin

Welcome back.  I know it has been a while since my last post, but I just had to share some recent (and the only) additions to my Primaris Space Marines. Here is Shrike.  He's adopted the Falcons of Ruin color scheme for this campaign, but kept his original...