
You know exactly what he's saying...
Yup, I made it to post #300, and all I have to show for it is this 300 photo, and the three minis below (one for each hundred posts I guess). No parties, giveaways or any of the usual fanfare that many blogs have when they reach a post # that ends in double zeroes. Oh well. Its just another post, though I was pleased to see that the blog crested the 60,000 page hits mark on my previous post, which means I've averaged about 200 hits per post (though I wonder what percentage of that number is made up of my own page views which don't count).


Last weekend I did manage to get some painting done, and as there has been no painting happening this week, nor will there be this weekend, I'm going to milk those few painted minis for all they're worth (Yes Neverness, that reference was for you as this post is mainly about chaos).

First up are a pair of DV cultists:

This sculpt is my favorite out of the DV autogun squad.

As I said in Tuesday's post, I think I'll resurrect my Tyrant's Legion idea, and to do so, I'll paint the cultists accordingly. I didn't see any photos of the Legion auxilia troops in the Badab books, however as the Astral Claws colors were silver & blue, I would imagine that the auxilia wore grey and blue. Having a duplicate of just about every DV cultist could get kinda bland looking, however when reversing the colors as I have above, then as a whole they ought to tie together well enough (especially those with Marks of Slaanesh, as I hear that they're into that sort of thing...).

I also finished painting up my platoon/company standard bearer for the Beastman IG. These will pull double duty as renegade IG, as well as cultists. To mark them out from the regular cultists in my first game with the new codex, I gave them a mark of Nurgle, which worked fairly well (especially when Hive Angel's heavy bolters rolled a bunch of 2s to wound!).

The Standard is made of scraps of standards belonging to defeated Imperial foes. While I'm not sure who's unit the '812' came from (doesn't matter I suppose as they're presumably dead). I would like to note the codex grey scrap of fabric at the bottom, where you can make out part of the name 'Cadia' on it...lol. When I mentioned doing that to Screech, his praise at being honored in this way was dripping with sarcasm...

So that's it for post #300. Thanks for your continued interest in my mediocre paint jobs, rants, rambling diatribes, and generally poor grammar and punctuation.

Da Masta Cheef